As the Libertarian Candidate for Governor of Missouri, Bill Slantz Will Defend Your Individualism and Create Economic Prosperity

When I decided to run for Missouri Governor, I devised a plan. As the Libertarian candidate in this race, I espouse the principles of individual freedom, limited government, economic freedom, and individualism. These key principles are reflected in my positions on matters of importance to Missourians. If you agree with my vision and wish to make it a reality, I encourage you to contribute your time and/or money to my campaign. As your Libertarian candidate for governor, and I’m asking for your support – together, we can create the change that benefits every Missourian.

If you have any questions about the key issues or want to learn more about my platform as your Missouri governor candidate, please call my office at 636-922-1600 or contact us online.

Libertarian Candidate for Governor of Missouri
Bill Slantz Libertarian Candidate for Governor of Missouri
Political Issues from Bill Slantz Libertarian Candidate for Missouri Governor

Where I Stand on Key Issues: A Summary

Here are my positions on infrastructure, abortion, drugs, immigration, Medicare & Medicaid, and other vital matters to Missouri citizens.

On the Government’s Role

The government’s essential function is to protect our personal security and defend against aggression. It is the only proper power and burden of the state government.


One of the government’s primary roles is to promote and support a robust infrastructure. I will ensure tax dollars for power, roadways and highways, telecommunications, water supplies, and many more of the “big ticket” “grand” projects that benefit us all.


I am personally against abortion. I oppose government funding of abortions. I don’t believe there should be any specific law for or against abortion.

Bill Slantz Your Libertarian Candidate for Missouri Governor

Business and Economy

As the Libertarian candidate for Governor, my view on governments’ involvement in business is clear – governments should keep their hands out of business other than the courts to protect lives and property. Voluntary economic exchange is the only way. Government intervention is not justified. Further, government interference in business on behalf of some citizens at the expense of others is inherently unfair.

Consumer Protection

In principle, state safety regulations can and should be abolished in favor of market institutions analogous to Underwriters Laboratory certification. I say restrict oversight to safety, leaving efficacy up to the marketplace.

Criminal Justice

In a free society, crimes would be limited to aggression against persons and property, including fraud. So-called “victimless crime” laws are incompatible with liberty. Today, drug laws are among the most destructive, counter-productive, and anti-freedom laws on the books – you can quote me on this! As the Libertarian candidate for Governor, I will strive for a more effective and humane criminal justice system.


Those who wish wisely or foolishly to use drugs should be free to do so, and those who wish to keep drug use off their property should similarly be free to do so. In this regard, using or not using drugs should be left up to wisdom in experience, moral ethics, and science.


Education and government must be kept apart, just as church and government must be. Protect parents’ right to acquire the education they desire for their children.

Elections and Politics

If the federal and state governments were limited to their few constitutional functions, politicians could not bestow favors to special interests. Some politicians abuse their power and strip citizens of their inherent rights and liberties without just election processes.

Environment and Energy

There should be a free market for energy without government subsidies or excessive regulation. If energy production causes demonstrable harm, producers should be subject to civil penalties.

Foreign Policy and National Security

Foreign intervention is required only when a case can be made that the legitimate defensive and security interests of the United States are directly involved. As Missouri’s Libertarian candidate for Governor, I’m all for non-interventionism and believe in fighting our fight, not others.

Freedom of Religion

Freedom of religion must be total and unqualified in the private sector. The government should not discriminate in its own policies on religion. Still, it should also get out of areas like education, where it only creates intractable and unsolvable religious controversies.

Freedom of Speech

There should be no restrictions on free speech as long as it does not cause material or physical harm to others. I believe free speech can be essential to confirming the truth.

Gun Rights

The private ownership and use of firearms or other weapons in a non-invasive way are entirely legitimate. Government regulation, licensing, and registration of guns should be abolished.


There should be a truly free market in healthcare without government restrictions or excessive limitations. Consumers should be able to buy health insurance across state lines without joining a group or in a market distorted by government incentives or subsidies.


I espouse open borders for all who enter peacefully and do not pose a threat by relying on the state or welfare measures. Standing as the Libertarian Candidate for Governor, I firmly believe that restrictions on immigration constitute a threat to individual liberty.

Marriage and Family

The government should play no role in marriage but yield to natural law standards. Any individual should be allowed to enter into a contract of civil union protected by contract law. If some wish to have “gay marriage” and others do not, each should be free to adopt the appropriate rules so long as property rights are respected.

Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare and Medicaid, if needed, should be privatized. A better alternative is to allow local communities to build a support system for these needs directly.


The military should be robust and state-of-the-art. It should be adequate to defend all enemies at all times. All military duty should be voluntary, and there should be no military draft.

Minimum Wage and Workers’ Rights

The market should set wages. Workers should have the right to join or not join a union they choose without being subject to coercion. There should be no minimum wage.


The government should not track or surveil citizens without a legal warrant. The Patriot Act should be repealed.

Social Security

I believe in phasing out Social Security entirely. Retirement should be a personal responsibility, not a political football.


The income tax should be eliminated. The alternative would be  State and Local sales taxes. We can build some waivers or rebates for lower-income families as a supportive measure.

Trade and Globalization

Unilateral free trade is the best and most straightforward policy. Free trade, migration, and association are legitimate if property rights are protected.

Support Bill Slantz, the Libertarian Candidate for Governor of Missouri

There is no perfect political or economic system. However, libertarianism comes close to being perfect by employing rational measures and freeing people of chains. Make me your Governor, and in time, you will see Missourians flourish.

Please consider making a financial contribution to my campaign. To build more traction, I need all the help I can get. I appreciate the contribution of your time, resources, and support – as you help spread the word and make me a more visible Libertarian governor candidate. If you have any questions or want to learn more about how you can support your libertarian candidate for governor, Bill Slantz, please call us at 636-922-1600 or contact us online.

Support Bill’s Campaign