Why Do I Believe in the Power of Limited Government?

What is Limited Government

When there is limited government interference, we can make our own choices with greater self-determination and personal responsibility. Limited government makes each of us more accountable and innovative. The government still retains the authority to act within defined boundaries, ensuring a check on its power and preventing systematic abuse of authority.

Under my governorship, every Missourian will be empowered to exercise their civil liberties in a freer and more responsible manner. We will bring forth each other’s fundamental worth through greater understanding and cooperation. We will not accept an inferior role in the running of our own communities but co-create solutions based on logical reasoning and fairness for the good of others and our own good.

As your libertarian candidate for Missouri governor, I will deliver what others before have failed – you can count on it. If you believe in my vision, please show your support and spread the word to support Bill Slantz for Missouri governor candidate. To contribute to my campaign or join our volunteering efforts, please call my office at 636-922-1600.

Missouri Needs a Limited Government to Overcome Our Problems

If you are tired of the promises from red or blue candidates, try the sober color of libertarianism, which isn’t tainted by the fulsomeness of liberalism or conformity of conservativeness but holds tremendous potential for the change our great state needs.

As your Missouri Libertarian governor candidate, my platform is based on limited government. Here is a snapshot of the changes I envision.

I Promise To Protect the Rights of Individuals from Governments

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I want to limit power, and that means significantly restricting government. Limited government is the fundamental political implication of libertarianism. As the Libertarian candidate for governor, I stand for individual liberty and sustained economic growth.

Bill Slantz for Limited Government
Libertarian Candidate for Limited Government
Bill Slantz Libertarian Candidate for Missouri Governor

I Will Remove Barriers to School Choice and Put Financial Resources Back Into Parents’ Hands

The education system in Missouri is based on government policies regarding what children should know and be able to do at certain ages. Today, educational practices are centered on memorizing facts and passing standardized tests. The system applies canned instructional programs. And often needs more room for the unique gifts each student has or the challenges each one faces.

Limited government means allowing parents to have more control over where their children receive education. Let’s remove barriers to school choice and put the financial resources stripped from Missourians through school taxes back into parents’ hands to help fund their educational decisions. I want the government to get out of the way as academic experts.

I support school choice because educators and students should be able to work directly with each other to establish their standards. I support school choice because it promotes competition, breeds innovation, cost-effectiveness, and better student outcomes. As Missouri governor, I will ensure the implementation of funding mechanisms that support school choice without disadvantaging public schools.

A Libertarian Vision for Poverty Does Not Consist of Throwing Money at the Problem

Government agencies are the only organizations that grow when they fail and have a built-in bias against truly solving problems. Government problem-solving programs create government employees whose jobs may go away if they succeed but whose jobs and power will expand if the problem gets worse.

Missouri will spend just over $9 billion on Social Services this year. My approach to fighting poverty would be very different from our current one, which primarily consists of throwing money at the problem.

Charity works where the government does not for a variety of reasons. For one thing, private charities can better individualize their approach to the circumstances of the poor in ways that a government program can never do. Most government programs rely on the simple provision of cash or in-kind goods and services without any attempt to differentiate the specific needs or circumstances of individual recipients.

In keeping with the principle of limited government, I will cure the symptoms of poverty and the disease itself. As Missouri Governor, I will raze the structural barriers to economic success. I will remove overcriminalization and over incarceration and the government education monopoly and implement policies that drive economic growth and create more opportunities in the labor market.

With a Limited Government, Anything is Possible

I, Bill Slantz, respect you as a unique and responsible individual. As your libertarian candidate, I promise to make Missouri a more prosperous and just state. We can bring about the change we need for us and future generations.

Support Bill’s Campaign